Nature Retreat: Navigating Challenge With Active Hope

Saturday 12 April 2025
10:00-16:30 (UK time)

Nature Retreat

This online retreat combines core nature-connection practices with ‘Active Hope’ activities to explore why we act to preserve nature, address feelings of overwhelm, and sustain both this vital ministry and our wellbeing.

Activities throughout the day will include valuable self-care routines, bringing us into fuller presence and deepening our spiritual interconnectedness with the natural world. The ‘Active Hope’ practices will draw on ‘Work that Reconnects’ by Joanna Macy and Chris Johnstone.

We will gather in loving community for an embodied, experiential day of online and offline nature-connection activities:
First bringing our hearts and minds together and sharing some core practices online, which we will then all take outdoors to our local area for individual practice in an extended midday break. Afterwards returning to our online space to share our experiences and bear witness to each-other’s journeys.

We will use our time in nature to get to the heart of why we act to preserve it, and why we might feel overwhelmed by this at times. This is essential for the sustainability of our involvement in this vital ministry, as well as for our own well-being.


Click here to discover other courses and sessions linked to the theme of supporting witness.

This course will involve:

DiscussionWorkshopZoom Session

Accessibility info:

On the booking form, there is a chance for you to let us know about any accessibility or communication adjustments that will enable you to participate more fully in the course. Automated Zoom closed captions are available for all live sessions but if you feel you require more accurate closed captioning please email us directly in addition to booking.

See more courses in this category: Climate Crisis

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