Reading in the Spirit With Thomas Kelly

Monday 4 November 2024
19:00-20:30 (UK time)

Reading in the Spirit with Thomas Kelly

Experience the ancient spiritual practice of sacred reading known as lectio divina. We will use extracts from the spiritual classic A Testament of Devotion by Quaker mystic Thomas Kelly (1893-1941), listening to the Spirit speaking to us through the text.

In sacred reading you are invited to bring your whole self to the text, your thoughts, memories and feelings. The purpose is not to arrive at a “correct” interpretation of the author’s words, but to listen deeply to what the Spirit has to say to us in the present moment. The text acts as a stained-glass window through which the Divine Light can shine. Sacred reading can be done alone, but reading with others can offer a deeper understanding of the text, the Spirit and ourselves.

In this one-off, 90 minute session, we will focus meditatively on two passages from A Testament of Devotion. The passages will be read a number of times. Our response to the words might change or develop with each reading. Then there will be the opportunity to share our responses, first in small groups and then in one large group. No previous experience of sacred reading is necessary.

This course will involve:

DiscussionWritten and visualZoom Session

Accessibility info:

On the booking form, there is a chance for you to let us know about any accessibility or communication adjustments that will enable you to participate more fully in the course. Automated Zoom closed captions are available for all live sessions but if you feel you require more accurate closed captioning please email us directly in addition to booking.

See more courses in this category: Spirituality & Retreats


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