This is a practical workshop that enables your meeting to explore what it could do in response to the climate crisis with the resources, skills and experience it has. Through deep listening to each other and the Spirit you will surface what you have to offer to your community and the world and what role your property and resources might play in that.
A gentle start to the conversation about our resources (including property) with a sustainable future in mind. We will spend a day (with the option of a follow up) looking at possibilities, uncovering skills and experience, sharing concerns and hopes and understanding context so that you can move towards discernment of the part you can play.
Woodbrooke Where You Are – Climate Crisis
Two tutors
1. In-person
One whole day
Fee: £338
Please note that in-person or online refers to the location of the tutors. For this course it is possible to have a combination of online and in-person participants if the meeting is suitably equipped and it is discussed in advance.
Spiritual Accompaniment can be arranged to support your Meetings’ onward journey after completing a Climate Crisis Woodbrooke Where You Are event. You might also be interested in Living out our ministry in a time of climate crisis.