Woodbrooke, working in partnership with Quaker Life will be hosting a group of 15 – 21 year-olds for a weekend of practical activities to gain skills and build confidence for those wanting to be in leadership positions. There will be discussions, activities, group work, role-plays and video clips.
What are the aims of this weekend?
- Understanding community
- Exploring how groups form and how they work together
- Considering how to plan for facilitation
- Understanding characters in groups
- Understanding the importance of inclusive facilitation
- Learning about facilitating Quaker activities
Booking information:
To apply to come on this weekend please fill in the booking form here. The cost for this weekend event is £95 per person, this includes food and accommodation.
Finding out more:
To find out more about this event visit the Young Quaker Space website – www.yqspace.org.uk/