My study will be exploring the doctrine of the immortal soul and the mortality of Jesus. I will be looking at what it means for Jesus to become incarnate and subject to mortality. How does the immortal become mortal? What is the Biblical view of anthropology, and how is that reflected in Jesus’ life, death, burial and resurrection? If Jesus is paradigmatic for what it truly means to be human, what can we learn about death and eternal life from Jesus’ death and resurrection? How does the doctrine of the immortal soul contrast with the gift of eternal life that is brought by Jesus through gospel and resurrection?
Immortal, Mortal, Soul, Resurrection, Anthropology
About David Tatum
(United States)
I have always been a life-long learner, and have never been afraid to question or rethink my own theology. In the last several years I began to rethink my understanding of eternal life and the fate of unbelievers. This study led me to a third eschatological option called annihilationism or conditional immortality. This view stands in contrast to the two other views, eternal conscious torment, and universalism which often find their foundational belief in the immortality of the soul. As I have furthered by research what I realized is that my Biblical anthropology will have a direct outcome on my eschatology. This led me into the study of Biblical anthropology. This is an exploration of the age-old question, “what is man”? I chose this area of study because it is foundational to how we understand ourselves as God’s creation. If we want to understand the incarnation, God becoming human, we must first clarify what it means to be human. Our conclusions on this matter affect our understanding of; life, death, the possibility of an intermediate state, resurrection, and eternal life.
Find out more
I am currently writing for Afterlife, the online magazine. I also administrate this Facebook Group.