
Woodbrooke’s website has been designed with accessibility in mind. Our design team have consulted with The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) guidelines to make the website as usable and accessible as possible. If you are finding the website difficult to navigate please provide feedback to

Help with seeing our website

The website content is displayed using cascading style sheets (CSS) which means that you can resize the text within the web browser you are using and make it a size that you find easier to read. For more information on how to do this, please see:

The website uses responsive templates that re-arrange content according to the width of the screen you are using. This makes the content easier to read whether you are using a desktop PC, a tablet or a phone.

Help with reading our website

We avoid the use of capitalisation and italics for emphasis in our page content as they can make text more difficult to read.

If you find our grey text on white background unsuitable then you can set your own colours to override this within your browser or within your operating system. For more information on how to do this, please visit:

The font style can also be overridden by the settings in the browser or in your operating system to make it easier for you to read.

Help with navigating our website

All pages contain a link to the home page by clicking on the Woodbrooke logo and all pages have access to a search box: both are found in the header area at the top of the page.

The site map can be found in the header of every page. The sitemap can be used to navigate every page of the website in one place.

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