Climate Crisis

How can Quakers care for the earth?

Are you wanting to explore the spiritual underpinnings of your climate witness? Do you want to do something practical to address the issues we face?

The Climate Crisis: Spiritual Learning and Nurture project offers the following resources and learning opportunities to enable Friends to act and to live our faith with sustainability and care for the earth at heart.

Spiritual Accompaniment for Climate Witness

We offer spiritual accompaniment for individuals and for Meetings who complete our Climate Crisis Woodbrooke Where You Are sessions.

For individuals:

Has your Quaker faith inspired you to become involved in climate witness, or would you like to be?

Do you sometimes feel spiritually lost, burnt out or doubt that you are making a difference? Would you like to connect with someone who can accompany you on your spirit-led journey of witness?

Witness can take many forms, it’s not always direct action or protesting on the streets. It can also include:

  • Community organising,
  • Local sustainability projects,
  • Campaigning and political lobbying,
  • Linking up with related social justice struggles (cost of living, refugees, racial justice, supporting striking workers etc),
  • Making changes to the way you live or to your meeting house e.g. our Quaker Ecochurch Network,
  • Or seeking to inspire others through ‘being patterns and examples’.

More in depth information can be found here: Information Sheet

This is a free service.

To apply please email

For Meetings:

Spiritual Accompaniment can be arranged to support your Meetings’ onward journey after completing a Climate Crisis Woodbrooke Where You Are event.

There are many issues and tasks dividing attention and weighing on our time and capacity. Accompaniment can help Meetings to connect with the strength our faith offers us to continue with the commitments we have discerned to take.

We can discuss this with you when you are booking your Woodbrooke Where You Are event.


Quaker Eco Church Network

The Quaker Eco Church Network meets Quarterly on Zoom. Come along to be inspired and connect with Quaker meetings across the UK who are working towards A Rocha’s Eco Church Accreditation to make our Meeting Houses more sustainable.

A Rocha UK’s Eco Church programme is a learning community of churches of all denominations shapes and sizes. It provides a framework to take practical action on caring for God’s earth. You can find more general information about the Eco Church network on A Rocha UK's website.

Click here to join the Quaker Eco Church network and to receive emails about Quaker Eco Church network events.


Property and Resource Sustainability Database

Quakers in Britain is building on Woodbrooke's work to connect meetings that are discerning the best use of their properties and resources, including further developing Woodbrooke’s prototype property database. As part of this work, they are currently gathering information from meetings that have already made changes following their discernment.

This will enable us to share collective learning and document the Yearly Meeting’s journey towards sustainability. If you have experience to share, or would like to see the resources available, do please get in touch with:

John Dash – BYM Property Management Adviser   020 7663 1055


The Climate Crisis: Spiritual Nurture and Learning Project

Woodbrooke is funded to deliver this project by Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) as part of Quakers in Britain's continuing commitment to work on sustainability and our response to environmental destruction.

Woodbrooke focuses on learning activities that build spiritual connection (a sense of acting from a bigger truth), and social connection (a sense of spiritual community).

All the activities on the page above are part of the Climate Crisis project.

This programme is designed to complement BYM’s political and campaigning work on Climate Justice. While our work arises from the ministry of British Friends and focuses on nurturing that ministry, as with all our learning, it is open to Friends around the world and others interested in being part of this vital work.


BYM's Climate Justice Work

As part of Quakers in Britain, Quaker Peace and Social Witness (QPSW) focuses on political and campaigning work around Climate Justice. They work at a national level to build sustained peace and social justice, such as running peacebuilding projects overseas, and campaigning on behalf of Quakers.

QPSW also helps Quakers in Britain to live out their faith. They provide resources to enable local Quakers to take action.

The Faith in Action team provides grassroots support to individual friends who are undertaking or wish to undertake witness, including convening networks of friends around various issues.

Climate Workshops for Your Quaker Community

Bring Woodbrooke learning to where you are with our packages specially designed for your community. With a range of topics, prepared and facilitated by our experienced tutor team, you can explore and learn together deepening your understanding and connection.

Below is a list of our current Woodbrooke Where You Are climate workshops which can be delivered in a variety of formats to your Quaker community.

An opportunity for meetings to deepen their understanding of our faith, spirituality and climate justice. A day of creative explorations and discussions based on the QPSW booklet, 'What is Climate Justice?'

A practical workshop that enables your meeting to explore what it could do in response to the climate crisis.


Grounded in the Spirit, we will look honestly at where we need to make changes in how we use our resources and how we might go about doing that.

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