An Adult Faith: Paul’s Letter to the Philippians

24 February - 17 March 2025

The live Zoom sessions are at 18:30-20:00 (UK time) every Monday.

A statue of a bearded man reading a book

Crucial to Paul’s understanding of faith is his confidence that it opens up a way of life which does not depend upon rituals and rules. This course will set out the way in which Paul presents this new life in his letter to the Philippians.

Paul’s warmth for the community in Philippi prompts him to reveal some of his deepest insights about how Jesus has made possible a mature relationship with the divine. Sharing a sense of confident solidarity with the Philippians, Paul is prompted to open his heart in a way that enables us to get a glimpse of how and why he now envisages a life that transcends race, gender and status.

This is a letter of deep encouragement. You know the gift of life you have received, says Paul, now live it to the full. ‘Whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, pure, pleasing, commendable, if there is any excellence, anything worth of praise, think on these things. … Rejoice!’ Challenging theology and practical counsel intermingle in this rich expression of early Christian life. With four live sessions and recommended reading we will open up the world of this remarkable short text.

There will be some material to look at before the first session. We will email you around one week prior to the course with information about accessing the course, including this material, on our online learning platform (Moodle).

This course will involve:

DiscussionOnline discussion forumWritten and visualZoom Session

Accessibility info:

On the booking form, there is a chance for you to let us know about any accessibility or communication adjustments that will enable you to participate more fully in the course. Automated Zoom closed captions are available for all live sessions but if you feel you require more accurate closed captioning please email us directly in addition to booking.

See more courses in this category: History & Theology

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