Paulette Meier is a Quaker singer/songwriter, peace educator, and member of Ohio Valley Yearly Meeting and Community Friends Meeting in Cincinnati, Ohio, where her strong voice has led crowds in song at many a gathering for peace, justice and an earth restored.
As Artist in Residence at Pendle Hill, USA (2004-05), her appreciation for Quaker history and spirituality deepened, leading to a practice of setting inspired quotations of 17th century Quaker leaders to chant-like song. The 2010 recording of these songs, Timeless Quaker Wisdom in Plainsong, has served both as a tool to educate Quakers in the spiritual roots of their tradition and as a meditative focus in spiritual practice.
More recently, Paulette’s collaboration with internationally known contemplative author and teacher of the Christian Wisdom Tradition, Cynthia Bourgeault, has resulted in the formation of Quaker Wisdom Schools at Pendle Hill, designed to bring together the contemplative Christian and Quaker Wisdom streams. This on-going collaboration, which also includes Quaker educator Marcelle Martin, led to a second album of Quaker chants composed by Paulette, Wellsprings of Life: Quaker Wisdom in Chant. Both albums have been instrumental in spreading the Quaker spiritual tradition on the wings of song beyond the Quaker world.
Paulette first worked with Woodbrooke in 2018, when her travelling ministry took her to a number of different Quaker communities in the UK to provide chanting workshops.