What Quakers Believe

There are Muslim, Buddhist, Jewish and atheist Quakers today – how do they all co-exist?

Quaker Worship and Witness

The radical mysticism of Quakerism, which is based on the idea that God can be experienced without the mediation of priest or text at any time, in any place.

The History of Quakerism

An accessible account of the history of Quakerism from the time when it was a movement setting out to change the world, abolish slavery and promote women’s rights.

Who are the Quakers?

A basic overview of the founding story and ideas of Quakerism and how the movement has grown into a worldwide religion of six traditions.

Searching for John Woolman

This public lecture recorded at Woodbrooke in 2012, James Proud, a direct descendent of Woolman, talks about the process of writing and editing Woolman’s works.

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